Wisconsin Alliance for Composers Newsletter
Current Issue
Fall 2011
Back issues
Summer 2008
Winter 2007
Spring 2005
Spring 2004
On the Nature of the Beast That Does Not Breathe
A Composer's-Eye View of Writing for the Organ, by David Bohn.
- Introduction
- A Few Words about Organ Actions
- Some Basics of Notation
- Registrations
- Extended Techniques
- A Few Final Truths
- Appendixes
December 1998
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
- Feature: What Has Jazz to Do with Composition?
- Point of View
- From the Editor
June 1998
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
- Feature: Leo Ornstein
- Point of View
- From the Editor
February 1998
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
- Feature: Gunnar Johansen
- Point of View
- From the Editor
October 1997
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
- Point of View
- From the Editor
May 1997
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
February 1997
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
- In Memoriam
October 1996
- WAC news
- President's message
- Members' news
- In Memoriam
The Death of Modernism
Excerpts from William Rhoads's essay The Death of Modernism in Contemporary Music appeared in several issues of the WAC newsletter over 1996 and 1997. The entire essay is posted here.
- Part I: Introduction
- Part II: Autonomy vs. Heteronomy
- Part III: Ahistoricity vs. Historicity
- Part IV: High/Low: Divisionism vs. Synthesis
- Part V: Conception vs. Perception
- Part VI: Conclusion: Postmodernity
- Bibliography