Message from the PresidentChristopher FryeAs the new President of WAC, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Yehuda Yannay for his service as President to our organization. He has been a strong advocate for our organization and its goals and he must be congratulated for helping direct and shape the ideas and concerns of WAC. Coming from the position of secretary/treasurer I can see how much WAC has changed in the last 9-10 years. Change is good, and essential. We see changes happening all around us. The winter has changed into a beautiful spring. Many school semesters are changing about this time. WAC too is changing. There have been some very good changes taking place in WAC. Most notably, we have seen a significant increase in the membership, almost 50% in the last 10 years and our budget has increased by more than 100% in that time. Our last conference held at Carthage College in Kenosha was a wonderful change that involved a new venue, new performers and new composers. I believe that every member has some special perspective to add to WAC. Every WAC member must feel obligated to add their special perspective to the organization whether it's as involved as being a board member or an officer or hosting a concert or just submitting scores for a concert or even attending WAC concerts. These are all positive changes for WAC and ones that came with lots of hard work. The future of our organization will be secure into the next century only if the members are willing to participate and get involved in the changes. Message from the Past PresidentYehuda Yannay[Editor's note: Due to my lateness in preparing this Newsletter, unfortunately by the time it is delivered, the June 13th meeting at Joel Naumann's house will have already taken place. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.] In my departing note as president I wish to thank all members, the hosting institutions and sponsors, and the Wisconsin Arts Board for supporting our activities. We have been very successful in keeping the ship of WAC afloat. Given that all of us are extremely busy with our daily jobs, we should set realistic goals for the future of the organization. Please come and attend the Saturday, June 13th meeting at Joel Naumann's place to plan for next year. WAC Newsletter, June 1998 [WAC News] [President's Message] [Members' News] [Feature] [Point of View] [From the Editor] [WAC Main Page] [Newsletter Front Page]
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