President's MessageThis summer a small group of us met with the Wisconsin Arts Board (WAB) administration to discuss ideas of expanding WAB-funded opportunities for individual artists in the state. Our proposal centered around the creation of a fund for performing groups available for commissioning music by Wisconsin composers. Executive Director Dean Amhaus told me recently that he presented the ideas to the WAB board on September 10, 1996, and the board instructed him to develop a full blueprint for the program. Meanwhile, the bi-annual WAB Individual Fellowship program has been restarted and I hope our members will take advantage of the opportunity.As the new concert season is setting in, our MadWAC chapter has announced that the spring, 1997 statewide WAC conference will take place April 25 and 26, 1997, to be hosted by MadWAC in Madison. Since the spring, 1996 statewide conference in Milwaukee was fully funded by an outside grant, we will be able to subsidize the Madison event without exhausting our reserves. (This reminds me that I need to send in my annual dues!) My personal wish is that in the near future all members of our board and the general membership will have access to e-mail. A great deal of WAC correspondence and business is taking place already via on-line interchange, and a completed WAC network will allow dialogue among all of us. Yehuda Yannay WAC Newsletter, October 1996 [WAC News] [President's Message] [Members' News] [In Memoriam] [WAC Main Page] [Newsletter Front Page] Copyright © 1997 Wisconsin Alliance for Composers. All rights reserved. |