In MemoriamJacob DruckmanWAC expresses its condolences to the family, friends, and all of the musicians who knew and were influenced by composer Jacob Druckman, who died of lung cancer on May 24, 1996 at age 67. Many of the WAC membership had the pleasure of meeting Druckman, hearing some of his works performed, and hearing him speak at the April, 1995 WAC conference held at the UW-Eau Claire. Druckman studied composition with Copland and Persichetti, amongst others, taught at Juilliard, Bard College, Brooklyn College, and Yale University, the latter of which he served as chairman of the composition dept. and director of the electronic music studio, and was composer-in-residence for the New York Philharmonic during the 1980s. Awards Druckman received include two Guggenheim Fellowships and the 1972 Pulitzer Prize for music.WAC Newsletter, October 1996 [WAC News] [President's Message] [Members' News] [In Memoriam] [WAC Main Page] [Newsletter Front Page] Copyright © 1997 Wisconsin Alliance for Composers. All rights reserved. |