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>Newsletter Front Page
 WAC Newsletter, February 1998
WAC News
President's Message
Members' News
Feature: Gunnar Johansen
Point of View
>From the Editor

From the Editor

A lot of good opportunities are being provided for WAC members. Last October there was a concert in Green Bay, and this April 3 and 4 is the annual Conference at Carthage College in Kenosha. Host Gary Verkade has done a marvelous job in preparing for three concerts and a workshop over the two days.

Another good avenue for WAC members is the presence of our website. David Drexler is active in updating the site which provides a lot of helpful information. It is also a great place to get your own web page or get another link to your web page if it already exists somewhere else.

Both the upcoming Conference and the website are good places to meet and communicate with other WAC members. Instead of staying at home or complaining that you don't know anybody, get involved! And next time you are cruising the 'Net, stop by the WAC website and see what other members are doing. You might just find something for yourself.

This Newsletter also provides an opportunity for you to share your experiences with others. It is only as good as the information you provide. There is always a need for interesting articles regardless of length or topic (providing it has to do with music). I am also interested in having CD reviews. So for those of you with CDs, find a reviewer and get that information sent to me for inclusion in an upcoming Newsletter. April 15th is the deadline for the next issue. See you in Kenosha!

Al Benner

WAC Newsletter, February 1998
[WAC News] [President's Message] [Members' News] [Feature] [Point of View] [From the Editor]

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Copyright © 1998 Wisconsin Alliance for Composers. All rights reserved.
Last updated 23 February 1998. Contact information.