Message from the PresidentChristopher Frye
Changes, Changes, and More Changes! My last message had to do with changes and their benefit to people and organizations. Well, there are more changes in the works for us now that Al Benner, our fine newsletter editor and board member, has relocated to the Bayou state. We wish him and his family the best but will surely miss him and all of his excellent work. You will notice that WAC now has a new official business address as well and we have David Drexler to thank for that since he is taking over the Secretary/Treasurer's office. Attention members!!! he may not be as forgiving as past membership secretaries regarding overdue dues payments! So, be sure to pay you dues in a timely manner. Many thanks go out to Dan Maske for arranging for WAC to have a booth at the state music teachers' conference. I was there both Thursday and Friday and can safely say that we made more connections and created more interest in WAC and commissioning music from Wisconsin composers in those two days than in the last ten years combined! Of course, this method of publicity does not happen without the concerted effort of many people. I would like to thank James Chaudoir for creating the commissioning form (that many public school directors are now proud owners of), Josh Schmidt for burning the two CDs and producing the score examples of WAC members' works that were available for people to listen to, David Drexler for creating and printing the membership directory that was available at the booth and will soon be mailed to members, and Joel Naumann and Angela Maske for helping out. It was not surprising the number of people at the conference that came by the booth and didn't know we existed, but it WAS surprising to find people coming by that at one time were WAC members and had seemed to have forgotten we existed. Let's not forget that we exist and get active in WAC again. WAC Newsletter, December 1998 [WAC News] [President's Message] [Members' News] [Feature] [Point of View] [From the Editor] [WAC Main Page] [Newsletter Front Page]
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